moments of reflection

moments of reflection
Dezember 2024
Happening mit Yolanda Ludwig
Keck Kiosk, Basel
Im Rahmen des Adventskalenders 2024 des Keck Kiosks in Basel waren die Besucher*innen eingeladen, sich an einem Buffet von Glückskeksen zu bedienen.

Die Glückskekse wurden einzeln eingeschweisst in holografische Plastikfolie und enthielten kleine Weisheiten, die mithilfe von ChatGPT entstanden. Die Weisheiten waren inspiriert von der Arbeit Findet mich das Glück? des Schweizer Künstlerduos Fischli/Weiss.

Will I ever know who I am?
Is there an end without a beginning?
Am I here or just a thought?
Could the moment last forever?
Am I more than what I see?
Is life a question or an answer?
Did I choose the right path?
Is there a home without walls?
Does longing fade when it arrives?
Could silence speak if I listened?
Is there a reason to do nothing?
Could everything I need already be here?
Am I a part of the world, or is the world part of me?
Is boredom a form of freedom?
Do clouds ever get tired of drifting?
Is there a question that doesn’t seek an answer?
Is happiness only a fleeting guest?
Can I see light without shadows?
Where does the sky end?
What would I do if I didn’t have to do anything?
Can thoughts grow tired?
Am I ready for what’s coming?
Can I stop thinking?
Do I always need to want something?
Is imperfection a kind of beauty?
Do stars carry a burden too?
Am I a part of everything, or is everything part of me?
Is there a „why“ without a „because“?
Will time ever stop moving?
Do paths feel different when I walk them backward?
Can I see things as they really are?
When does a dream stop being a dream?
Why do I ask at all?
Is life just a blink of an eye?
Can I surprise myself?
Is the beginning already the end?
Who decides what’s right?
Will everything become easier if I let it?
Can a shadow shine?
Does every question need an answer?
Am I the creator of my own reality?
When does something stop being important?
Is forgetting a kind of peace?
Where does the line between me and you lie?
Can a mistake be a gift?
Am I more than my thoughts?
Is yesterday only an illusion?
What remains when everything fades?
Is there something that lasts forever?
Can I hold the wind?
Is every direction the right one?
Does truth hide in simplicity?
Can I fly without moving?
What if I simply stood still?
Do I need to know something to feel it?
Have all questions already been asked?
Is happiness a moment or a state?
Is there a place that’s looking for me?
Can a glance stop time?
What do I see when I close my eyes?
Will I always remain a mystery?
Does silence have a sound?
Can I be here and somewhere else at the same time?
Is the horizon a promise?
Am I truly free?
Can a day last forever?
Is there meaning in doing nothing?
Can I forget everything I’ve learned?
When will I stop wanting?
Can words be silent?
Is darkness just another kind of light?
Can a dream be a home?
Must I lose myself to find myself?
Can I feel nothing?
Are the stars lonely too?
Does the universe listen when I speak?
What if there were no time?
Can I really see myself?
How do I know that I exist?
Will happiness find me if I stop searching?
Can emptiness ever be full?
Is love the question or the answer?
Will my footsteps echo when I’m gone?
Can I truly own anything?
Do waves remember the shore?
Will I ever stop wondering?
Is stillness a kind of movement?
Are beginnings only disguised endings?
Does my voice change the world?
Can I live without expectations?
Will the stars forget their names?
Am I just a story I tell myself?
Do I create the path, or does it create me?
Can something infinite ever end?
Is the future only an echo of the past?
Am I just the space between moments?
Will my dreams outlive me?
Is seeing believing or believing seeing?
Can a question be the answer?
Am I waiting for something, or is something waiting for me?

Fotos: Yolanda Ludwig, bearbeitet von Romano Zaugg
